Professional Software Development Consulting

We provide agile software development leadership and coaching to organizations in order to facilitate software product success. The XP, Scrum, and Lean Software Development methodologies that we follow and teach have repeatedly resulted in hyper productive teams producing high quality, highly maintainable software.

Green Field Development:

We can assist you in the creation of the next line of business solution you need.

  • We will help you through the incremental process of specifying the behavior of the system that will best suit the needs of your business.
  • We will set up a development environment that will ensure fast delivery of high quality features to your business.
  • We will adhere to architectural principals that will ensure simplicity in design and affordable scalability.
  • You will end up with a software system suited perfectly to the present needs of your business, inexpensive to maintain, and easy to change to meet your future needs

Brown Field Development:

Do you already have a custom software system that needs change to meet new requirements or that is limiting the effectiveness of your business?

  • We can help you increase the testability of your existing system in preparation for the development of new features.
  • As we add each new feature to your existing system, we will leave the system as a whole in a higher quality state.
  • We can help you address issues related to the technical debt of your existing system.
  • We can help you decide if that legacy system really needs to be burned down and rebuilt, or if there's alternative means of addressing the needs of the business.


The following are some of the growing collection of frameworks, tools, and techniques that we can bring to your project:

.Net Framework, C#, Asp.Net MVC, NHibernate, Castle, Structure Map, Sql Server, DB4O, JQuery, MSPEC, NUnit, MBUnit, Watin, Rhino Mocks, MOQ, MassTransit, Domain Driven Design, DDDD, CQRS, Nant, Rake, Hudson, Cruise Control ...


Round Rock, Texas
Email us
Phone: 512-470-2576